Tuesday 29 November 2011

Aspendos Amphitheatre, Aspendos

One of the best preserved Roman remains outside Italy is the Amphitheatre at Aspendos. Despite the distance from your base at Kalkan, it is well worth a visit, especially if combined with a trip to the Roman Harbour and Hadrian's gate in the city of Antalya itself.

                                                 The Roman Amphitheatre at Aspendos
According to legend the city of Aspendos was founded by colonists from Argos returning from the Trojan war. The first confirmed reference is in Hittite writings of 800 BC. In the 5th and 4th centuries the city was one of the few in the region to mint silver coins. The city reached its zenith during the Roman era.

Inside Aspendos Theatre
The theatre was constructed during the reign of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the 2nd century AD by the Roman architectZeno. It could accommodate up to 12,000 spectators. Latin engravings state the theatre was offered to the emperor and the gods.
Aspendos theatre is still in use today. Each year During June and July the Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival is held. Also at Aspendos and near to the theatre are an acropolis with a nymphaeum and basilica.

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